Complaint Investigation: Craig Johnson
The membership status of Craig Johnson, (who has traded under various trading names including “Totally ADR”), has been removed as a member by the CMC with immediate effect.
This follows a finding of serious professional misconduct by the CMC’s Complaints and Discipline Committee (CDC) which made the decision to remove him on 6 March 2024.
This follows a decision made by the Professional Conduct Panel, of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (‘CILEx regulation’) on the 21 September 2023, who removed his membership on a finding of dishonesty which included drawing up at least three non-genuine Court Documents. The decision of CILEx Regulation can be viewed here.
Also, Mr Johnson failed to engage with his regulator (CMC). The Complaints and Discipline Committee decided that Mr Craig Johnson has therefore brought both the profession and CMC into disrepute and accordingly his membership status has been removed, effective of 6 March 2024.
Complaint Investigation: Jeremy Reeve
The regulated membership status of Jeremy Reeve, (who trades under the style of Cambridge ADR), has been removed by the CMC. This follows a finding of serious professional misconduct by the CMC’s Complaints and Discipline Committee in relation to unsatisfactory professional interaction with clients, lack of constructive engagement with his regulator (CMC), and that he offered and provided family mediation service without approved training or accreditation.
The Complaints and Discipline Committee decided that Mr Reeve has therefore brought both the profession and CMC into disrepute and accordingly his membership status has been removed, effective 22 November 2023.