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If you are considering mediation, we strongly recommend that you choose a mediator who:

Has been trained specifically in mediation, to industry accepted standards

Carries out suitable levels of professional development

Follows an appropriate Code of Conduct

Offers access to a complaints process if necessary

1. The CMC requires all Regulated Mediators, Registered Mediation Providers and organisations which run Registered Training Courses to have a published complaints handling procedure in place. If you have a complaint about a mediator or mediation provider in respect of the service they have provided you must first complain to that mediator or the provider.

2. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint at that stage you may refer the matter to the CMC on one of the grounds set out below. This must be done within one month of conclusion of consideration of the complaint by the mediator or provider and in any event within 6 months of the events giving rise to the complaint. Complaints received outside these time limits will only be accepted at the discretion of the CMC.

3. All complaints must be in writing and addressed to the CMC at

4. Complaints can only be considered by the CMC if they concern an individual or organisation which is a member of the CMC. The CMC regrets that it cannot consider complaints against non-members.

5. All documents relating to the complaint must be submitted with the complaints form or, if any are unavailable, you must give an indication as to when they will be supplied. In submitting a complaint you consent to all information you supply and any accompanying documents being disclosed to the other party to the complaint, to the CMC’s Complaints and Discipline Committee, the CMC Board and to other relevant third parties which may include other regulators.

6. Complaints may be made on the following grounds only:

A complaint may be made against a Regulated Mediator (i.e. CMC Associate, Registered or Fellow) on the grounds that they no longer meet the requirements for Regulation (Rule 1 (i)); and/or they are not a fit and proper person to hold Regulated status (Rule 1 (ii)).

A complaint may be made against a Registered Provider on the grounds that it no longer meets the requirements for Registration (Rule 3 (i); and/or the service provided by the Provider does not meet generally acceptable standards (Rule 3 (ii)).

A complaint may be made against an organisation which offers a Registered Training Course on the ground that it no longer meets the requirements for Registration (Rule 5).

A complaint may be made against any Member of the CMC (whether an Individual or Organisation, and whether Registered or not) on the grounds that they have brought the CMC or the mediation profession or the mediation process into disrepute (Rule 6).

7. Complaints will be dealt with in accordance with the procedures adopted by the Complaints and Discipline Committee of the CMC from time to time. A copy of the Rules is available on request from the Secretariat.

8. All communications must be made in writing, but in its absolute discretion the CMC may also accept oral representations from the parties.

9. The determination of a complaint by the CMC and any disciplinary measures imposed are final and no further appeal will be entertained.

10. The CMC will progress your complaint with due diligence and in most cases provide a final determination within 6 months of receipt of the complaint.

As a result of a complaint being upheld, the CMC can take disciplinary action against members. Published decisions can be seen here.