Facts about mediation
A 2018 study by CEDR shows that the commercial mediation profession saved businesses around £3 billion a year in wasted management time, damaged relationships, lost productivity and legal fees. Instead of taking a dispute to court ready for a fight, mediation helps everyone involved to find a common-sense solution.
The average mediation lasts just over one day and can be set up in a matter of days. Around 75-80% of cases settle on the day of the mediation itself and another 10-15% settle shortly after.
Mediation has an extremely high success rate with 86% of all cases being settled. The process allows the parties to negotiate their own settlement, giving them control of the entire process. Mediation is more flexible, cheaper and quicker than going to court.
All Data provided by CEDR – Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution. CEDR’s 2018 study “The Eighth Mediation Audit”