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Register of SEND Mediators

Special Educational Needs and Disability Mediation Standards – a joint project of the College of Mediators and Civil Mediation Council

The College of Mediators (COM) and Civil Mediation Council (CMC) are both independent standard setting bodies and offer membership to professional mediators working in a number of different contexts.

COM and CMC have collaborated to produce training and practice standards in England and Wales for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) mediation. We are very grateful to the Department for Education (DfE) for their support of this work. The standards were created, using examples of best practice, by a working group from the SEND mediation field, including Global Mediation, KIDS, Prime Resolution, Steve Hindmarsh and Together Trust.

Since the launch of the SEND mediation standards in May 2018, a panel of assessors has been appointed to assess applications for mediator accreditation and training approval. A list of the assessors can be found here.

Passporting to accreditation of existing SEND mediators is currently underway and will continue until 31st March 2019.

Mediator Accreditation

SEND mediators, who meet the requirements for training and practice, may apply for accreditation and membership of either COM or CMC. All accredited SEND mediators who are members of either COM or CMC will be included in the register of SEND mediators.

The register for accredited mediators is jointly maintained by COM and CMC and is available to view here.

If you are an existing SEND mediator who wishes to apply for passporting to accreditation, please download the relevant form, Form 5.

If you have recently completed SEND mediation training and you have also completed the supported practice element and now wish to apply for accreditation, please download the relevant form, Form 4.

To be included in the register, you will also need to be a member of either COM or CMC. If you are already a member of one of these, please contact that organisation to apply for accreditation passporting, sending your completed Form 4 or 5.

If you are not already a member of COM or CMC please apply for membership of either, using the following links:

Please note that funding for new applications for SEND accreditation and COM/CMC membership is available, through the DfE, until 2020. There is no charge for new applications.

For full details of how to register as an accredited SEND mediator, please read the full standards document linked above.

Training Approval

The SEND mediation standards also cover approval of SEND mediation training provision. Training providers wishing to deliver courses that will enable mediators to become SEND accredited, must be approved by COM or CMC, through the assessor panel.

Please note that funding for SEND training approval applications is available, through the DfE, until 2020. There is currently no charge for SEND training approval applications.

For full details or to apply for approval of your SEND mediation training course, please read the full standards document linked above.

Information for Parents

If you are a parent of a child or young person with SEND and considering using mediation, please read the Information for Parents document.

Please contact the College of Mediators or Civil Mediation Council offices with any queries about SEND mediation standards:

Supported by the Department for Education

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