Response to the MoJ’s Call for Evidence
Response to the MoJ’s Call for Evidence
In August the Ministry of Justice released a Call for Evidence with the aim of collecting knowledge on (Alternative) Dispute Resolution from all interested parties. The MoJ states, “It is our ambition to promote non-adversarial dispute resolution mechanisms, so that resolving disagreements, proactively and constructively, becomes the norm.” The CMC’s mission is to inspire all sectors of society to use mediation when managing and resolving disputes. We are moving closer towards this becoming a reality.
The CMC was asked to contribute evidence and asked its members to share their knowledge and experience in a survey. As the recognised authority in the country for all matters related to civil, commercial, workplace and other non-family mediation cases, the CMC wanted to respond as fully and comprehensively as it could. The answers from all members were collated and the CMC prepared a response on behalf of the organisation as a whole.