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Tired School Warriors – Reframing Experiences

Tired School Warriors – Reframing Experiences


A teacher taking part in a restorative leadership programme by The Restorative Lab described her current experience in school as being like a warrior. “Each day going into battle against Covid, colleagues, the kids or curriculum catch-up.” Read more about how the programme helped her reframe her experience.

The Restorative Lab is working with two cohorts of Head Teachers as part of an 18 month restorative leadership programme. Something really cool happened in last weeks’ session and we wanted to share it.

One Head teacher was describing her current experience in school as being like a warrior. Each day going into battle be it against Covid, colleagues, the kids or curriculum catch-up. Beyond this, she was a tired warrior. Exhausted by the same wars, day in, day out.

The concept of a restorative approach was helping her see her role differently. She was becoming a magician: someone creative who could bring about a special space for people to transform. The archetype of magician is one who is wise and can help others do deep thinking.

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