Early Intervention in Conflict
Early intervention in conflict
The cost of conflict to UK employers is £28.5 billion – or £1,000 for each employee. Are grievances the right way forward? Mediator Camilla Palmer explains that early intervention in conflict saves money, time and promotes better wellbeing. She says that we “can avoid sickness absence, mental health deterioration and grievances.”
Should mandatory dispute resolution replace the grievance?
Conflict at work is inevitable. Whilst it can be creative and constructive – such as challenging norms to a receptive audience, more often; it is damaging! Conflict leads to stress, mental health issues, time off work and costs (in time and money) for employers and employees.
The cost of conflict to UK employers is is £28.5 billion – or £1,000 for each employee. Early intervention in conflict saves money, time and promotes better wellbeing. It can avoid sickness absence, mental health deterioration and grievances. We all know this.