Setting Up as a Mediator – 20 Strategies For Success
Setting Up as a Mediator – 20 Strategies For Success
Setting up a practise as a mediator can be tough – understanding the business, finding clients and doing all of your own marketing. Cheryl Cutrona’s 20 strategies for success are a must-read for anyone trying to become an independent full-time mediator. How many of these tips have you explored?

“If you’re going the independent route – setting up a practice as an independent mediator – you have to be prepared to do relentless marketing. Unfortunately, many of the people who want to get into the business don’t want to do relentless marketing. But that is the reality of the field. The truth is, it’s harder sometimes to get cases than to settle cases.” (Peter Lovenheim, Becoming a Mediator, 2002).
Mediators who want to build a successful private practice need to follow the same steps as anyone starting a new business. Marketing is difficult and time consuming. Assuming you have the requisite training and experience to “hang your shingle,” here are 20 tips to get you started.